Friday, November 20, 2009


The other day in school my teacher was going over some of my classes writing. All of the sudden two other teachers popped in. Strange. Anyways one of the teachers whispered to my teacher and left, and the other one sat down and started going over the writing. "Oh, said." The teacher began. "Didn't you go over said is dead?" There was a chorus of nos echoing throughout my class room. He walked over to my teacher and said (oops) said is dead a couple more times. Then my class started banging our desks and shouting, "SAID IS DEAD!! SAID IS DEAD!! SAID IS DEAD!!" When everyone quieted down my teacher said (gaah!) looks like they've got it. Why did I write this? I felt like sharing.



- Orca whales are dolphins

-i like legos

-PPPIIIEEE (not my favorite word) !!!

-target sells record players (OMG!!!)


-kiwis are weird fruits!

-i like fishes

Monday, November 16, 2009


Welcome to weekly quiz!! Here is this weeks quiz-


Guess using your comments!!!


Hey all you people who asked for tips and stuff like that, I can't just leave you hanging. Here are some answers to your questions.

To Melissa Ward, knock-knock jokes never have been the best approach. Their so old that everyone has heard them before and are completely use to them. Plus they don't have the style compared to other jokes. I suggest using original jokes and keeping things fresh.
To bzWard, try to keep things fresh. The main reason for this problem is most likely joke overuse. The joke I talked about, well I only used it once. I used a joke like it today and it didn't work out so well. Don't use knockoffs and get back on your feet if you feel scared.


Most of you probably won't believe this, but I'm scared of squirrels!! I like to chase them with my dog, but sometimes (all the time) when you stare at them with that grin on your face they turn on the branch they're sitting on and stare right at you with those big beady eyes like they're gonna jump on you and run all around your head!! When they do that I just run and scream 'cause your like, 'dang! That thing is evil!' and you try to get at least twenty feet away from that little demon with fur (no offense to squirrels or squirrel lovers). I gotta find a way to get out of my phobia man! I think I'm gonna try to endure that demon stare. I guess I'll start by staring at pictures and then the real thing. This is going to be tough.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Here's how I deal with my jokes:

Wait for peoples comments. After you here what they say, think about it real quick and think of a joke(sometimes without thinking). The other day at school (I am a child) someone who sits near me started bragging about something. I totally forgot what it was about because it really, repeat, really wasn't important. Then someone else started bragging. Once again I forgot what, but this is what I said, "Yay. Your bragging. Now shut up would ya?" The people who sat near me all started laughing. One other thing, when you say this kinda stuff, barely use any energy. When I said what is written, I didn't say it like, "YAY!! YOUR BRAGGING!! NOW SHUT UP WOULD YA!!!" No I said it calmly like I just woke up. I added a smiget of energy when I said 'yay,' but that was it. So that's how I do my comedy.

Dear Charlies

Dear Charlies, I am very sorry if you are offended by the title of my blog. From my point of view, it is more of a compliment than an insult. I could of used any other name like Ben or Steve, yet I chose Charlie. I like the name Charlie. It has a special ring to it. So... don't be offended. Be flattered that I chose Charlie for my nickel I mean, title.