Monday, November 16, 2009


Most of you probably won't believe this, but I'm scared of squirrels!! I like to chase them with my dog, but sometimes (all the time) when you stare at them with that grin on your face they turn on the branch they're sitting on and stare right at you with those big beady eyes like they're gonna jump on you and run all around your head!! When they do that I just run and scream 'cause your like, 'dang! That thing is evil!' and you try to get at least twenty feet away from that little demon with fur (no offense to squirrels or squirrel lovers). I gotta find a way to get out of my phobia man! I think I'm gonna try to endure that demon stare. I guess I'll start by staring at pictures and then the real thing. This is going to be tough.


  1. We once had a baby squirrel trapped in our screened porch with the momma squirrel on the outside. They we so frantic to be seperated from each other that they tore through our screen! Never underestimate the power of a squirrel!

  2. When I was about 12 years old, we had a pet squirrel and felt sorry for it to be in a cage, so we let it run around the house and it chewed up all the chair and desk legs. That's when I found out squirrels are rodents. Are they actually related to rats? I hope not! If a squirrel isn't staring at you, he can be really cute. But a rat can NEVER be cute!
